Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Photography: May Flowers, Sunset and Full Moon

Midnight Blue Butterfly bush just opening it's first blossom!

Bluebells in the garden

Two-toned Columbine in full bloom

Yellow Columbine

Coral Bells/huechera just blooming

Double-blooming Iris in first full bloom of summer

Our neighbor's Yellow Iris

As the sun sets...

Flaming sunset in the west

Moonrise in the east

Full Moon

Full Moon

Our flag on Memorial Day evening as the moon rose in the east...

Sunday, May 20, 2018

More Child Portraits

"Little Lexi with Ponytail" - Pat Dolan - 13" x 10" watercolor

The impish side of Lexi was captured in the painting - she was a delight to paint! But I certainly didn't know if I would capture that cute little one with this particular aspect of her personality. It isn't always on display!

Here are a few photos of this painting in process:

And here's a shot of both twins and their cousin, Ida on my art table. They were great fun to do - now I have new drawings ready to paint this week - only one with children, plus a Sunflower, and two cat portraits.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Paintings of the Twin Great-Grandchildren

This is our eldest great-granddaughter, Tarin, on her 3rd birthday. When I got this far in the painting, I thought it might be done. However, it was painted on a 14" x 10" piece of Arches 300# watercolor paper - so the left half of the sheet is totally blank. I let the painting sit several days, and this is what evolved...

Then, after sitting with the painting a couple of days, I thought an American flag might be a good backdrop for this painting. So I took some acetate and used watercolor to paint a gray set of stars and stripes, just to get a feel of how this might work out.

That sat for a day, and then there was another school shooting, this time in Texas... Suddenly, it was important to me to add the flag symbols to the painting - in the hope of reminding us of our Nation's obligation to our children to keep them fed, educated, and above all, safe. For me, the gray flag symbolizes the lack of determination on the part of our national political representative to accomplish this on behalf of our children. Here is the finished painting:
"Tarin with Stars + Stripes" - Pat Dolan - 14" x 10" watercolor and pencil on Arches 300# paper

Four New Paintings!

These pieces were drawn on 300# Arches watercolor paper back in December. Shoulder surgery was in January, followed by months of physical therapy. I've gradually returned to my studio, and with practice, I see some improvement, thank goodness!
All of these little girls are family members, our twin great-granddaughters and their cousin, Ida.

Here's cousin Ida - a few years ago!
"Ida's Braid" - Pat Dolan - 14"w x 10"h - watercolor

I chose two different photos of Tarin. Here's "Tarin in Pigtails" on her 3rd birthday.
"Tarin in Pigtails" - Pat Dolan - 14" x 10" - watercolor

More tomorrow!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Working on Some New Paintings - of Our Great-Grands!

This is Tarin at the girls 3rd birthday party.

I like this painting just as it is - although there's no background. I'm considering adding the stars and stripes in faded colors in the background... Their birthdays are in July, after all! And it would go well with her dress. The painting is on a half-sheet of 300# Arches Watercolor paper - and there's plenty of room in front of her, if I do decide to add something.

What do you think? Comments please?

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

May Flowers!

The gardens are blooming with May flowers!

Above and below: Allium The baby bunnies are eating them down in front!

Columbine above & below

Huechera below - not yet in bloom

And the first Iris of the year - these are double blooming Iris, so they'll bloom again in the summer.

And now to our daughter's yard about 10 miles away...

And her Bleeding Hearts are in full bloom!