Friday, November 13, 2009

Photos from a Quick Trip to NJ - mostly PA landscapes!

Above, the private marina for the Molly Pitcher Inn
Below: we're guessing this was the original sign for the now very prestigious inn.

Views of the Navasink River in Red Bank, NJ from the Molly Pitcher Inn.

Above & below: some of the McMansions on the river - one of them could be Bon Jovi's...or not. Bruce Springstien lives inland in Colts Neck so these aren't his!

And on to Pennsylvania...

The Susquehanna River north of Harrisburg:
Above: the Juniata River, northwest of Harrisburg.

Above: a sun dog glowing as we headed up the mountains westward towards home.

The Boalsburg Steer - atop Kelly's Restaurant. This is a vivid milestone for everyone in Centre County! To us, it means we're almost home...

And finally, sunset as seen from our front yard.