Thursday, September 12, 2024

Playing with a Photo Collage Maker

I've used these often over the years and always enjoyed arranging them and deciding on what goes where for the best Balance. The app I use most often is "Collage Factory Free" on my big Mac/. Here are a few I made today. One of this years flowers. And two of paintings done in the past full year. If you've never tried to make a photo collage, try this app for ease of use and a lot of fun!

And two more. Enjoy!

Last but not least, more wildlife.

Fun project for a lovely autumn afternoon.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

                                                           Spring Cherry Blossoms 11"x14" wc

And once again, time has slipped away and my posting has been ignored throughout the summer. It's now close to fall so I'd better get back into posting!

It's been a complex year thus far with plenty of ups and downs occurring to shift our schedules about and shake up our emotions a bit. One rarely gets to our ages without the contrasting joy and sorrow, as well as a lot of other things, coloring our lives.

However, I have been painting as often as I have time to spend in the studio. I'll show you the most recent and then go back and recap some of the earlier pieces that are now completed. Watercolor is a fascinating medium and one I have grown to love. I'm attracted to colored pencils, stick and pan pastels, and lots more, but I always go back to my favorite, watercolor. This is my latest:

Hollyhocks  11"x14" wc

And the process is shown here:

My parents and grandparents both grew Hollyhock flowers in their gardens. They are so charming so I thought I'd try my hand at painting them. I had looked at how some artists paint very thin layers of different shades of watercolor to their paintings to provide a depth to the item. They often alternate the colors with an opposite color from the color wheel - very very thin watery layers. This is the first time I really worked with that in mind and I think that these flowers definitely are improved by this technique. Pink, blue, yellow, orange, purple - all layered in these flower petals very carefully.

Here are some of the other watercolors done since last March. Hope some of them inspire you to paint in watercolor!



That's it for now. Busy Busy Busy - a few more are drawn up and ready to go. I've started one already. Now just need more studio time and some artistic drive to get me going once again!

Happy Painting!