Sunday, November 27, 2005

Thanksgiving with Family in Vermont

Wild Turkeys on Thanksgiving Morning in Townshend, Vermont

It was a wonderful week of visiting family, cooking delicious goodies, munching irresponsibly, eating overly, and playing happily. To add to my delight, we had snow Thanksgiving day! As a Minnesota native, snow is welcome anytime after October 15th or so and up until April 15th. Before or after those dates, it occassionally snows, but it's not nearly so welcome...

Chipping Sparrow in the snow
Our son hosted the family gathering for both his family and our daughter-in-laws as well. The 1920 60" round oak dining room table that has been handed down to this 4th generation was well able to seat the 16 guests from PA, DE and NJ. Five carloads of folks arrived at different times - each avoiding the snow/wind as much as possible to arrive by Thursday morning. Some drove 12 hours, others 5-8 hours. All were delighted to be there and celebrated in fine style. Maria, their Russian foreign exchange student, fit right in with the younger generation by snow-rolling the youngest boy after he continued to dump snow on the newly shoveled driveway... She was a tad overwhelmed by all the conversation, but her sense of humor bubbled over repeatedly to our crazy family antics.

Snowy Cardinal
We're back home again - no snow in NJ and the forcast calls for rain... good sewing weather, don't you agree? I'll be working on two separate quilts - a Double Irish Chain for our youngest granddaughter, at her request, and the memory quilt for the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival special exhibit.

Blue Jay up close and personal


Gerrie said...

I lve the bird pictures and hearing about the extended family gathering. I can live without snow!!

Vicky aka Stichr said...

Being a western girl, I love the Blue Jay photo! Thank You!