Saturday, March 21, 2020

Our New Reality is Surreal...

Now that our daily lives have irrevocably changed due to a rampant virus, we have time to pay attention to the wonders of nature that always surround us. Nature has always nurtured me in times of stress, particularly, but also in times of deep joy and/or gratitude. So today, I'm experiencing all of that and a lot more that I simply do not yet have words for.

So I will share some recent memories via my photo collection. My camera often is but an extension of my hand! It's nearly always with me when I go out, usually in my jeans or jacket pocket. So enjoy my recent weeks via my memory box.

My personal Mandala made many years ago: batik on silk, quilted 20" square - here lit by my bedside lamp.

My last finished piece - a watercolor portrait requested by the Bellefonte Art Museum of Seria Shia Chatters

Then the first stages of our "new reality."

Tips from Governor Cuomo - good for everyone to do.