Thursday, January 12, 2017

Total Reverse Shoulder Replacement Scheduled for Tomorrow!

Today is the final day before my total reverse left shoulder replacement. I've spent it, thus far, preparing my studio for my 3 week absence and our living room for my 3 week residential stay! Fortunately, a friend of a dear friend has loaned us her electric relaxing chair - somewhere for me to sleep for as long as I'm not allowed to lie down. My arm will be in a sling and supported by a pillow, if the directions are correct. The chair works smoothly from a hand-held device that reminds me of a remote control unit. And there's even a small pocket to put the control in when I'm not using it - so I won't lose it and be unable to change the chair position! I can easily envision hilarious film clips of folks stuck in such a chair with a sling and spilled drink on top of wet book along side a table full of drawing supplies - should I even feel like drawing while I'm somewhat limited in motion!

A total reverse shoulder replacement involves putting the new titanium ball where the socket now is, and the new socket where the collapsed head of my humerus bone now is. At least that's how I understand it!

I have no idea when I'll be back to write - I can certainly type one-handed, but prefer using both ever since my high school typing class. And I'll be able to read the blogs of others while I'm recuperating. Wishing you all creative moments, joy, and good will as we slip back and forth between winter and spring!

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