Gerrie Congdon, of Crazy for Fiber, tagged me the other day - it's now my turn to reveal 20 (insignificant or otherwise) things about myself in my blog... Here goes:
1. I am the middle child between two sisters, one 5 years older, one 5 years younger.
2. I was a pathetically shy child who found it terrifying to make friends. That lasted until I was in my 50's or so... some childhoods last longer than others!
3. I've always loved to sing, hum, and/or whistle - when I was in grade and high school, I used to sing my favorite tunes at the top of my lungs when I was doing dishes or when I was out on the 2nd floor back porch. I half hoped people would love listening to me while the other half was afraid they'd hate listening to me... Somehow or other it was easier to sing without an audience I could see, even though I knew they could hear me. I was in my HS Glee Club, which was well known in St. Paul, MN where I grew up.
4. I learned to sew after my HS graduation - it was the only way I could get new clothes for college. My mom didn't teach me, nor did my grandmother - both accomplished seamstresses. Mom said she didn't have the patience to teach me so she sent me to my older sister (who had 3 kids under the age of 4 at the time) to learn to sew. Needless to say, I learned how to sew - Elaine never touched the sewing machine while I was there, but she DID teach me and answer all my questions!
5. I didn't think I had a sense of humor because I hated the negative, sarcastic, nasty pun type humor that was common in my household. I later discovered I have a very good sense of humor - it's just very different than the rest of my family members. Well, actually, my older sis and I have similar kinds of humor and enjoy the same sorts of things.
6. I majored in art in college because it was the only thing I thought I was any good at. But I didn't think I was nearly as good at it as either of my two sisters.
7. Mom insisted I get a teaching degree - after all, an artist cannot support herself, and what if she was widowed???
8. I swore I'd never teach, that I hated it, etc.
9. Turns out I'm a natural teacher - it many different topics - and have done lots of it, but never full time. That I still think I would hate doing!
10. I met my husband-to-be at the first freshman mixer between our 2 (men's and women's) colleges - September 30, 1961. It snowed that night - it was MN after all.
11. We were married the December (in MN?!!!) after graduation.
12. Much later, my DH told me that he knew the very first night that I was the woman he would marry. Fortunately, he didn't tell me that until after our marriage. When we met, I didn't think very highly of marriage...
13. DH is my opposite - or perhaps my complement. He is calm, stable, steadfast, a scientist, and has lots of wisdom. I am excitable, prone to depression, flexible, and an artist - with wisdom of my own. We balance one another rather well. When he gets too boring, I invite him to join me in swinging from chandeliers! And when I get too crazy or compulsive, he gently invites me to slow down and enjoy life.
14. My husband educated himself out of the midwest... we ended up moving further and further east with each subsequent move. Presently, we are about 15 miles from the Atlantic Ocean - as the crow flies. (That's about as far east as I'm willing to go - other than for vacations!)
15. We have 2 kids, 3 grandkids, 1 step-grandchild, and 1 Russian foreign exchange student 'grandkid' for this school year.
16. I'm missing St. Paul... not the snow, but the city, the people - including the family members that remain, the friendliness, the culture, the arts, and more.
17. I was a professional watercolorist for 20 years prior to switching to art quilting.
18. I began quilting in 1979 - I embroidered the flowers-of-the-month that I had designed for a commemorative spoon company and then thought they would make a nice quilt. I had a lot to learn...
19. Art quilting took over my life about 5 years ago, although I didn't really give myself permission to have fun with it, let go with it, get professional with it - until the past year or so...
20. My studio is the largest room in our town-home - the living room, and the first room any visitor sees. It is colorful, eclectic, vibrant, fun, and crazy - and I love it!
Now it's time to go tag someone else, namely Mary M. of Quilt Studio 77!