Well, not much of anything is happening - then again, I guess I'm making odd things happen - as requested/required by the renovators. Let's see, so far I've done the following:
1. spent 50-60 hours packing up and supervising the packing for everything on the main floor
2. had the washer & dryer declared dead
3. puchased a new set with 15" pedestals (as yet undelivered)
4. had the hot water heater decared dead & removed from the premises
5. made arrangements for a new one to be installed with a REAL metal (not plastic) drain pan AND a drain (none was in the utility room)
6. had the alarm systems people out to say they had to install a completely new system (it was in the house when we bought it and it is wired to all the smoke alarms - but we aren't hooked up to the cops, fire dept. or security company
7. washed all the doll house furniture that did not have any fabric on it & packed it up again
8. worked on choosing wall paint
9. worked on choosing carpeting
10. separated the stuff to be dry-cleaned - such as the clothes in the main closet below the laundry room, all curtains & drapes, most of the bedding, all quilts that were hanging on the walls, etc. (which has since been sent to the cleaners)
11. separated the damaged/destroyed items/furniture for the insurance adjuster to review (maybe next week?)
12. tried to ascertain the replacement value for the destroyed/damaged items
13. removed everything from the walls
14. painted the exterior trim on the front and back doors
This coming week:
1. make sure the electrician has fixed the ceiling fan/light in Frank's office prior to
2. the electric inspector comes Tuesday
3. the insulation is installed Wednesday
4. appointments then to be made with the fire inspector & building inspector prior to
5. the actual renovations can begin
6. Thursday - I'm getting the flu shot. Mersa is all over the state of NJ, not that the flu shot will help prevent Mersa, just to be on the safe side.
7. make the final choices re: paint and flooring
8. and whatever else comes up that I'm told to do!
That's my current full-time job - supervising the hoped for renovations of our home.
It's been 3 weeks in the motel - and probably another three+ to go...
That means eating two to three meals a day at restaurants. Do you know how boring that can get over time? All the food sort of tastes the same after awhile - and after making so many decisions every day about the house, I no longer CARE where I go or what I eat.
We just want to have our home back...