Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Updating the Progress Since the Last Post!

 The painting process varies from painting to painting - much depends upon the type of watercolor paper being used - and I used 3 different types of paper in the 15 drawings that I'd prepared.

The beginnings: the backgrounds for proposed paintings

It also depends upon the way I want the completed painting to be - super realistic, impressionistic, somewhat realistic, and more. And the techniques required for those choices vary in approach from very wet to very dry, depending upon the level of realism desired. 

As you can guess from the above photo, I usually prefer the wildlife to be quite realistic, perhaps with a bit of a flare on occasion. But I want the background to be just that - background! A vague background that compliments the bird or animal in color either with similar or opposing colors.

Here are a few images of works still in process - #2. Lynx and 5. Bobcat above. 

And here are a few completed: #1. Great Blue Heron

#3. Kingfisher and #4. Fox

And finally, the two loons #8. & 9: 

#8. Loon among the Rocks and #9. Loon in Grassy Water

And lastly, the finished smaller pieces on my studio wall prior to framing.

Hope you enjoyed seeing the process!


Whitney D said...

This was ggreat to read

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed it. It’s time I write again!

Stanley S said...

I find it fascinating how different techniques are used depending on the desired level of realism.