Saturday, March 18, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day and Then Some!

Since Blogger was having so many difficulties, I was unable to post these last Friday. But today Blogger seems to be working fine, at last!

Frank bought me some St. Patty's Day carnations - and I so loved the textural details that appeared on the petals having been tinted green.

And that brought my attention to a dried fern leaf that I've had taped to the inside of my cabinet door since last summer. Similar textural details, as you can see...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These fern pics are so cool. Did you notice that the pattern in the leaf is very, very similar to the pattern in a dragonfly's wings?? Both are very primative structures. Of coursse, now I have to run outside and pick a leaf or two from the ferns that survived the winter.
